Praising God is our first act of stewardship
As one, we rejoice in every day, every week,
and every season of the Church Year—from the Daily Office and Sunday gatherings
to holidays and pastoral rites.
We welcome all to a transformative and vibrant experience of worship drawn from the deep wells of our traditions and informed by a dynamic engagement with the world around us.
We encourage you to learn more about the sacraments of the Episcopal Church by reaching out to the parish office. We are here to guide you and extend an invitation to embrace and discern a call to Baptism into the Body of Christ. Additionally, we offer reception and confirmation of your baptismal vows, preparation for the sacrament of Marriage (including remarriage), Visitation of the Sick, the rite of Reconciliation, Unction, and the burial of the Dead.
Weekly Schedule of Worship Services
Sunday Eucharist at 9 AM in the summer
We return to Two Sunday Eucharists, with Fellowship and Formation between services at 8 AM and 10 AM on Sunday, 8 Sept.
Daily Morning Prayer online at 9 am, Mon-Thurs. Contact the parish office using the Zoom link to join in person.
Noonday Prayers in English, Spanish, and French on Wednesdays, online
Daily Evening Prayer at 5 pm, Mon-Thurs. Contact the parish office using the Zoom link to join in person.
Noonday Prayers on YouTube in French, Spanish and English
Compline in French, Spanish, and English are available on YouTube
Special Outdoor Services
Special outdoor services will be scheduled, weather permitting. We will keep you notified via the Enews and our website of an outdoor liturgy.
Please join us, bring a chair and feel the welcome of St. Peter’s worshipping community as we sit beneath the cathedral canopy of God’s own creation. As we care for each other, may God continue to be praised! Welcome home to St. Peter’s!
We are committed to a vital environment that holds health and safety in high regard and practice.
Join us in caring for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please make sure all your vaccinations are up to date and get boosted if eligible.
Please report all health issues and concerns to your personal physician, and make sure you are following both private and public health directives.
Worship Online
We realize that joining in person is not always possible or comfortable for many. Making worship available to all, and to welcome all is our calling. Please join us virtually. St. Peter’s has made all worship available online via Zoom on Facebook Live and with delayed broadcasts on our YouTube channel. While we look forward every week to gathering in Church, we also invite you to join us here.
Our witness in Christ is also deeply embedded in our shared practice of daily prayer. The Daily Office, weekly Eucharistic worship midweek and on Sundays, and the pastoral rites of the Church are open to all.
You are welcome at this Table, in this Sanctuary.
Our Worship Vlog is a great way to keep up, or catch up with our common life in Christ Jesus.