St. Peter’s offers many ways to serve others in the name of Jesus.
Helping Hands
Parishioners who enjoy craftwork are invited to knit shawls, blankets and hats that the Church offers freely for the comfort of people going through chemo and radiation therapy, residents of local veteran’s homes and others who might need a reminder that they are cared for and loved. We also do an annual drive for the Seamen’s Church Institute’s (SCI) Christmas at Sea program and provide hats and scarves for seafarers arriving at Port Elizabeth’s SCI site. Helping Hands coordinator is Janette Borawski and you can contact her at helpinghands@stpetersspotswood.org.
Since suffering a devastating flood in 2011, St. Peter’s gives thanks for the people who helped us recover by regularly holding special ingatherings of support for communities affected by natural disasters. To date, we have helped communities suffering loss due to disaster after every major weather event in our hemisphere since that flood reminded us that we are all connected to each other, particularly when we endure loss. To learn more about those we’ve served and how you can help, contact Father Marshall at rector@stpetersspotswood.org.
Spiritual Support
Peace, understanding, a place to listen and a place to be heard… this is how we care for one another. Spiritual support is the basis of Women’s and Men’s gatherings, monthly Saturday morning meet-ups now taking place in the digital space. For more information regarding the Women’s Breakfast, contact Bev Stott at womensbreakfast@stpetersspotswood.org and for the Men’s Breakfast, contact Craig Kafafian at mensbreakfast@stpetersspotswood.org.
Community of Hope Ministries
Community of Hope Ministries or COHM (pronounced “comb”) as it’s often called, makes it easy to give the gift of hope, along with real-world sustenance, to people of need in the greater Spotswood area.
Founded by St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in 2003, COHM is an independent, not-for-profit foundation inspired by the life of Christ to provide food, fellowship and comfort to all members of the community. Its good works include:
Alice’s CUP Food Pantry
An alliance of the faith communities of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Christ Memorial Lutheran Church, Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Spotswood Reformed Church and Trinity United Methodist to combat hunger and food insecurity. The food pantry serves more than 340 hungry families every month. Alice’s CUP is open from 9:30am to 11:30am and from 1:30pm to 3:30pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and is located at 455 Main Street, Spotswood. Best contact for the food pantry is COHM director Jen Alexander at cohm.cup@gmail.com.
Kellie’s Cupboard and Wednesday Night Community Supper
Offering a home-cooked dinner and uplifting conversation every Wednesday evening throughout the year, the Wednesday Night Community Suppers begin at 5:00pm at St. Peter’s Parish Hall located at 505 Main Street, Spotswood. Dinners are shared, along with access to our onsight food pantry, Kellie’s Cupboard. For more information, please contact Jeannie Fitzpatrick at communitysupper@stpetersspotswood.org.
Food Pantry Garden
Parishioner Ralph Evans is the Master Gardener who leads a cotillion of gardeners growing fresh, organic produce for Alice’s Cup Food Pantry and the weekly community suppers. As Ralph usually has his hands in the garden, please email his wife Kathie Evans at pantrygarden@stpetersspotswood.org and she’ll make sure Ralph lets you know how you can help!
Annual School Supplies Drive
Did we mention that we think kids are great? We do. Which is why the annual school supplies drive led by head cheerleader, top mom and all around do-gooder Maureen Barlow will gladly take your supplies and ideas on how to engage young people in our community. Find Maureen at schoolsupplydrive@stpetersspotswood.org.
For more information about the work of COHM and to learn how you can take part in its good works, reach out to Jen Alexander, COHM administrator at cohm.cup@gmail.com or visit cohmspotswoodnj.com.
How to Volunteer
No matter how much time you have to give, St. Peter’s makes it easy to serve. From picking weeds in our COHM garden and assisting our guests at the CUP pantry to sorting goods at the Thrift Shop, serving at the community supper or teaching Sunday School, there is a framework in place for everyone – regardless of time or talent, to contribute to the vibrant life here.
We welcome students seeking volunteer hours, too.
Not sure of where you’d be most comfortable lending a hand? No worries. Our parish administrator Chris Sickels can help match you to the right job and put you in touch with the person in charge. Reach out to Chris at administrator@stpetersspotswood.org. And oh yes, thank you!