Summer’s End
I find myself reflecting on the close of summer. A lot of amazing things have happened for St. Peter’s. I feel very blessed to call myself a member of this parish for so many reasons. The Shop is thriving and supporting our local community. Our Wednesday Night Suppers have continued, with the addition of an onsite food pantry that we use to supplement the dinners. Anyone who looks at the garden can see how plentiful the harvest has been (except for my hot peppers-who knew that deer like to eat them!). We have gotten a few hot peppers though, that is if I get there quick enough! It is a good feeling to drop them at Alice’s Cup food pantry. The Women’s Breakfast has continued to meet and it has been great learning about everyone and of course enjoying the good food. It seems attendance at church is up and we are actually singing some songs in church (thank you Jane & Christina)! Of course, the E-News is in the process of being revamped. These are just a few instances that remind me how alive and welcoming our campus is. I can’t wait to see what the fall will bring in our life in Christ. So, in the closing weeks of summer take a stroll around the campus and reflect on how blessed we are to share in this Church’s life!
by Bev Stott, Warden